Leela journal about yoga practice & yogic lifestyle

TYAGA – Letting go

TYAGA – Letting go

A conscious decision to abstain from something is a way to mature in meditation

TYAGA – Letting go

A conscious decision to abstain from something is a way to mature in meditation

The Shortcut to Happiness - Is there a shortcut or some rapid path?

The Shortcut to Happiness - Is there a shortcut...

Is there a shortcut or some rapid path?

The Shortcut to Happiness - Is there a shortcut...

Is there a shortcut or some rapid path?

Know the real wealth - Story of the Farmer  and the Diamond

Know the real wealth - Story of the Farmer and...

Story of the farmer who wanted become a Rich man - and how the things which we wish for may not fulfill our desires and bring contentment

Know the real wealth - Story of the Farmer and...

Story of the farmer who wanted become a Rich man - and how the things which we wish for may not fulfill our desires and bring contentment

ancient sacred mantras of yoga

Why Repeating a Mantra?

The practice of repeating a chosen mantra helps personal transformation over time

Why Repeating a Mantra?

The practice of repeating a chosen mantra helps personal transformation over time

Benefits of blowing Shankh – The Spiritual and Health Benefits

Benefits of blowing Shankh – The Spiritual and ...

What are the benefits of blowing a Conch?

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Benefits of blowing Shankh – The Spiritual and ...

What are the benefits of blowing a Conch?

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The Ultimate wealth - Is material wealth an obstacle on the spiritual path?

The Ultimate wealth - Is material wealth an obs...

What makes your wealth spiritual is not the absolute nature of it – dollars or intelligence – but the course of action you choose to acquire, save, spend, or divest...

The Ultimate wealth - Is material wealth an obs...

What makes your wealth spiritual is not the absolute nature of it – dollars or intelligence – but the course of action you choose to acquire, save, spend, or divest...