Unveiling the Health Wonders of Rice Water in Ayurveda
The enchanting properties of rice water, a timeless remedy in Ayurveda, have been celebrated for ages.
In our cultural tapestry, rice holds symbolic significance, representing fertility, wealth, and good health. Ayurveda recognizes the diverse varieties of rice, with a preference for Navara rice, also known as Shastika Shali—a red-brown, unpolished grain that embodies the essence of health. According to Charaka Samhita, this rice swiftly imparts energy and nourishment to the body, balancing the three doshas and benefiting those who are weak or undernourished.
Ayurveda categorizes cooked rice based on its preparation. Anna, boiled in ample water with the thin supernatant drained, balances vata and pitta, especially when combined with vegetables and pulses. Fried rice, beneficial for throat disorders and imbalances in kapha, is a versatile option. Lightly decanted rice water aids digestion and is recommended for urinary tract disorders, vata issues, and anorexia, offering nutrition and diuretic benefits. Boiled rice without draining, known as Apasruta Oudana, is sweet, nutritious, but heavy to digest, suitable for emaciating disorders.
Rice combinations with vegetables, tubers, oil, ghee, milk, or pulses create a heart-healthy, nutritive energizer. However, black gram mixed rice can be heavy on digestion, aggravating cough and dyspnea. Horse gram, when cooked with rice, pacifies kapha and vata, beneficial for abdominal worms and breathlessness. Millets, barley, and other grains offer alternative options with specific advantages.
Often overlooked, rice water—Tandulodaka—is a treasure trove of health benefits. Rich in starch and antioxidants, it enhances body metabolism. To prepare, wash 10 grams of raw rice, soak in 80 ml of water for 2-6 hours, macerate for 3 minutes, strain, and it's ready. This "wonder water" has therapeutic benefits mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali. For women with menstrual disorders, rice water proves miraculous, offering relief in conditions like burning urination, diarrhea, bleeding disorders, and heavy periods.
Beyond internal health, rice water is a boon for the skin and hair. It hydrates and moisturizes, promoting cell growth and delaying aging. In Ayurvedic medicines, it serves as an anupana, enhancing the efficacy of various treatments. Consuming rice water mixed with sandalwood paste and honey, for example, aids in diarrhea treatment.
As we appreciate the versatility and benefits of rice water, it's crucial to understand its optimal utilization. Although a fantastic remedy, rice water is best avoided during cold weather or by those prone to asthmatic conditions. Unlocking the potential of this simple yet essential carbohydrate requires awareness of its benefits and proper cooking techniques.
By Dr. Janadhan Hebbar