Welcome to LEELA


Playful or effortless relation between the absolute & the contingent world.

The concept of LEELA is based on playfulness. Playfulness on and off the mat. 

We should not take ourselves too seriously and just play, DO OUR BEST every day & don't worry too much what will be tomorrow. 

In LEELA we started and still continue with many different variations and playfulness of the colors of our rugs. It should remind us playfulness in our practice. 

One day we can easily do certain posture but next day it is not possible at all. 

Just look at the small children when they play! It can't be too good or too bad. They don't put any effort in playing. They just do it. 

In the same way the Absolute force/Brahman is playing with us, we are just the puppets on the theater scene. 

Sometimes even if we put all the effort things does not go the way we want, we just have to surrender to the circumstances. 

LEELA RUGS are here to remind you to be PLAYFUL in your yoga practice, take care & don't hurt yourself. 



You are integral to our effort in creating a body & earth positive  community around yoga accessories. You represent our vision to design clean yoga accessories for real people ethically & sustainably. 

We know that our customers love practicing on Leela mats as much as we do crafting it. 

For us the relationship with yoga mat means a real intimate experience as we often spend hours in the morning having a practice on the mat. 

If you fell like sharing how majestic you look on @leelayogarugs, please use the #leelayogarugs, #practiceclean, #leeladivineplay to be featured on our Instagram community. 

Young girl is practicing yoga pose on maroon cotton yoga rug.

Welcome to divine play !

If you believe that you can make THE FUTURE OF YOGA CLEANER, plastic & synthetic free...


FOLLOW US: @leelayogarugs


 LEELA YOGA RUGS - practicing yogis