Instructions for using Leela Mysore yoga rug

The Imperative of Buddhi Yoga: A Path to Self-Improvement

The Imperative of Buddhi Yoga: A Path to Self-I...

As we traverse the path of self-improvement, let us heed the mandate of Buddhi Yoga, aligning our intelligence and will with the divine.

The Imperative of Buddhi Yoga: A Path to Self-I...

As we traverse the path of self-improvement, let us heed the mandate of Buddhi Yoga, aligning our intelligence and will with the divine.

Samatva – the Quality of Equanimity

Samatva – the Quality of Equanimity

Practice to take both defeat and victory in many situations in life.

Samatva – the Quality of Equanimity

Practice to take both defeat and victory in many situations in life.