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Ayurvedic Calendar for 2024 - Printed version

Ayurvedic Calendar for 2024 - Printed version

Regular price €18,90 EUR
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Introducing the Ayurvedic Calendar 2024 – Your Holistic Guide to Harmonious Living

Embark on a journey of well-being and balance with our Ayurvedic Calendar specially crafted for the year 2024. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, this calendar invites you to align your daily life with the natural rhythms of the universe, promoting health, vitality, and harmony.

What you can find it the calendar:

  1. Six Ayurvedic Seasons: Explore the transformative energy of the six Ayurvedic seasons – Vasant (Spring), Grishma (Summer), Varsha (Monsoon), Sharad (Autumn), Hemant (Pre-Winter), and Shishir (Winter). Embrace the unique qualities of each season and learn to adapt your lifestyle accordingly.

  2. Four Seasons for Europe: Tailored to suit European climates, the calendar seamlessly integrates the traditional Ayurvedic seasons with the familiar four-season framework, allowing you to synchronize your routine with the changing weather patterns.

  3. Dinacharya Recommendations: Discover personalized daily routines for each season, based on Ayurvedic principles. From waking up with the sun to incorporating specific dietary and self-care practices, the calendar provides practical guidance for optimizing your well-being throughout the year.

  4. Year-Round Daily Routine: Plan your days with a comprehensive year-round daily routine that takes into account the cyclical nature of life. Cultivate mindfulness and balance as you navigate through the ebb and flow of different energies.

  5. Notes Section: Personalize your Ayurvedic journey with a dedicated notes section. Jot down insights, reflections, and experiences to track your progress and make informed adjustments to your lifestyle.

  6. Six Tastes According to Ayurveda: Delve into the six tastes (rasas) – Sweet, Sour, Salty, Pungent, Bitter, and Astringent – and their profound impact on your well-being. Each month features examples of food items and spices that align with the dominant taste of the season, aiding you in creating a balanced and flavorful diet.

Immerse yourself in the wisdom of Ayurveda and cultivate a lifestyle that resonates with the natural rhythms of the cosmos. The Ayurvedic Calendar 2024 is not just a tool for organizing your days; it is an invitation to embrace the essence of holistic living and unlock the secrets to a healthier, happier you.


Predstavujeme Ayurvédsky kalendár na rok 2024 - Váš holistický sprievodca harmóniou života

Vyrazte na cestu pohody a rovnováhy s naším Ayurvédskym kalendárom špeciálne vytvoreným pre rok 2024. Zakorenený v starobylej múdrosti Ayurvédy Vás tento kalendár pozýva zaradiť váš denný život do prirodzených rytmov vesmíru, podporujúc zdravie, vitalitu a harmóniu.

Čo tento kalendár obsahuje:

  1. Štyri ročné obdobia pre Európu: Prispôsobený európskym klimatickým podmienkam, kalendár bezproblémovo integruje tradičné Ayurvédske ročné obdobia s dobre známym štvorbodovým rámcom, čo vám umožní synchronizovať váš režim s meniacimi sa podmienkami počas sezón.

  2. Odporúčania Dinacharya: Objavte personalizované denné rutiny pre každé obdobie, založené na princípoch Ayurvédy. Od zobúdzania sa so slnkom po zahrnutie konkrétnych stravovacích praktík, kalendár poskytuje praktické usmernenia pre optimalizáciu vášho zdravia po celý rok.

  3. Celoročný denný režim: Plánujte svoje dni s komplexným celoročným denným režimom, ktorý zohľadňuje cyklickú povahu života. Kultivujte pohodu a rovnováhu, keď prechádzate cez rôzne energie sezón.

  4. Sekcia na poznámky: Personalizujte svoju Ayurvédsku cestu - máte na to priestor v sekcii poznámky. Zapíšte si poznatky, reflexie a skúsenosti, aby ste sledovali svoj pokrok a urobili vedomé úpravy vášho životného štýlu.

  5. Šesť chutí podľa Ayurvédy: Ponorte sa do šiestich chutí (rasas) - Sladkej, Kyslej, Slanej, Pálivej, Horkej a Horko-kyslej - a ich hlbokého vplyvu na váš blahobyt. Každý mesiac obsahuje príklady potravín a korenín, ktoré sú v súlade s dominujúcou chuťou obdobia, pomáhajúc vám vytvoriť vyváženú a chutnú stravu.

Ponorte sa do múdrosti Ayurvédy a kultivujte životný štýl, ktorý rezonuje s prirodzenými rytmami vesmíru. Ayurvédsky kalendár 2024 nie je len nástrojom na organizáciu vašich dní; je to pozvánka prijať esenciu holistického života a odhaliť tajomstvá zdravšieho, šťastnejšieho Ja.


Optimized Well-Being:
The Ayurvedic Calendar 2024 tailors daily routines for each season, promoting balance and adaptability for enhanced well-being.

Holistic Health Integration:
Integrating Ayurvedic principles, the calendar addresses physical, mental, and emotional health, fostering a holistic approach to well-being.

Enhanced Mindfulness:
By guiding a year-round routine, the calendar cultivates mindfulness, connecting individuals with their bodies, minds, and the present moment.

Cultural Adaptation for Europe:
Tailored for European climates, the calendar seamlessly merges Ayurvedic and four-season structures for widespread applicability.

Nutritional Wisdom:
Focused on six tastes and seasonal foods, the calendar imparts Ayurvedic nutritional wisdom, encouraging diverse and balanced dietary choices.

Personalized Journey:
With a notes section, the calendar facilitates a personalized journey, allowing users to record experiences and tailor Ayurvedic practices to individual needs.

Seasonal Adaptability:
Equipping users to adapt to changing seasons, the calendar promotes harmony with nature, mitigating health impacts and facilitating smooth transitions.


This is a digital version, can be adapted to your own needs, however you would like to print it A4 or A6 (table version)


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All the orders are shipped within 48 hours. You will be notified by email about every move of your package.

Usually it takes up to 5 working days within Europe & up to 12 working days within US & Canada.

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